Since getting back from Europe, I've been in a perpetual Celine / Lanvin bubble... so much so that I've been even laxadasical about cam-whoring it for the blog. Just last night, on the long trudge home in a terrible week, I was comforting myself that at least I had two bags that won't be turning up on every toetween/mother/aunt/distant relative (twice removed).
Cue: This morning.
Over my humble bowl of muesli, I find the words '
Celine' and local discount website '
Reebonz' in the same email.
Maybe it's just random pieces no one wanted at the last 3 sales? No such luck. My heart sank faster than a boulder in a paddle pool when I sighted both the Mini and Large Shopper Tote brandished side by side with... er... BCBG watches...
Far be it for me to wish ill on others, but someone needs to "sort out" the Reebonz crew. I still hold them entirely responsible for the proliferation/deterioration of Balanciaga in Singapore. Oh hell, I'm going to blame them for the increase in credit card debt amongst teenagers too. Oh and global warming... Is NO bag sacred anymore?? What a way to start the day.